
SEO Statistics: Latest 2024 SEO Stats

Important SEO Statistics

  • Over 90% (around 93%) of internet users start by searching with a search engine
  • Google continue to grow its market share. 90% of searches are done on Google (search, image search, shopping, etc.)
  • YouTube is considered a search engine and is owned by Google.
  • YouTube is the second largest search engine!
  • Yahoo!, Bing and Amazon are the next largest search engines
  • Organic listings are clicked around 70% of the time (depending on type of search query)
  • 75% of people never scroll past the first page of search results
  • Only 6% of clicks happen on the second page of Google
  • 72% of SEO companies say building content is their best strategy
  • The average word count of Google page 1 webpages is 1,890 words
  • 80% of Amazon sellers also sell on their own website or outsides sources
  • The first position on Google receives around 30% of clicks
  • 50% of searches of 4 words of more (be sure to target longtail keywords!)

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Remember, if you work with an SEO company be patient! SEO takes time. If you have a new website it can often takes years to find yourself on the first page of Google for competitive search terms.

eCommerce / Online Shopping SEO Stats

  • Over 90% (around 93%) of internet users start by searching with a search engine
  • 81% of consumers do online research before ordering online. This includes searching for reviews.
  • 197 million people per month visit Amazon
  • In 2018 Amazon had 49% of the eCommerce market share. More than their top 3 competitors combined!

B2B / Lead Generation SEO Stats

  • 57% of B2B businesses say they get more business leads from search engines than from anywhere else
  • Nearly half of all B2B customers view 4 pieces of content / web pages before requesting a quote
  • 89% of B2B researchers use the internet to find information
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