Case Study

Product Listing Page Optimization

DB Electrical

DB Electrical strives to be a primary source of aftermarket parts for the electrical component market. They work to keep cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles, ATVs, farm tractors, or any vehicle operating smoothly.

Industry: Automotive | Location: Global

DB Electrical Product Listing Page Optimization

1. Project

Increase Progressions to Product Page and Cart

DB Electricals product listing page was laid out in a list view without side by side views and only showed minimal products above the fold. We recommended an A/B test to compare the list few against the grid view with a goal of increasing progression rate to Product Detail Pages and Adding to Cart.

2. Approach

Test an Optimized Product Listing Page Layout

OuterBox created a newly laid out grid for the Product Listing Page in accordance with UX best practices. We would then analyze the difference in progression rate of the new layout versus the existing list layout and measure the resulting conversions with the hypothesis that we would see a lift in progressions.

“List Layout” (Control)l

List Layout Control

“Grid Layout” (Variation)

Grid Layout Variation

3. Results

Increase in Total Progressions

The new grid layout allowed more products to be viewed above the fold and facilitated product comparisons which led to increased progression from Product Listing Page to the Product Detail Page as well as an increase in adding to Cart.

By redesigning the Product Listing Page, customers flowed through the progression at a higher rate and created a significant increase in conversions.

Lift in Progression to Product Page


Lift in Progression to Product Page
Lift in Adding to Cart


Lift in Adding to Cart

4. Platform Support


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